Tuesday, July 17, 2012

How Does Productivity Affect Unemployment?

Carol Brown representing Online College.org sent me the following link:

The article states “Here, we explore some of the ways that worker productivity — yes, even your own — can and has affected unemployment (and vice versa), both in our own country and in others around the world.”  The article’s title is8 Ways Your Productivity Affects the Unemployment Rate.”

Do you think that increased productivity is bad for the Country?  What is the message the article gives job seekers? I often ask my students as we discuss the subject of compensation in my MBA classes if their employer is getting its monies worth from the salary that they are paid.

If the answer is no, I ask them what actions should they take to improve their worth the organization?  In these economic times, I think that if you are being overpaid, your job may be in jeopardy.  Consequently, you should take action to rectify the situation.  The question is what action should you take?

Having been in information business in my career, I think that innovation leading to increased productivity is a good thing – improved economic benefit.  However, innovation means change which may be a problem for many. 

Adjusting to change is important for job seekers.  The ‘good ole days’ are gone, and the new days are here.  My suggestion to job seekers is to embrace new productivity innovations and to prepare for the ever changing work place.

Please share with readers of this blog or email me at glynjordan@gmail.com your comments concerning productivity and innovations.  

Thanks.   Glyn

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