Sunday, September 8, 2013

When Looking for a Job Go With Your Strengths!

My experience is that you enjoy the activities in which you are best.  So when you are seeking a job why not seek a job that uses your strengths?

I have found that I enjoy teaching so I have spent over fifty years as a college professor primarily at night schools.  I can certainly relate to individuals seeking more education while working full-time.   Further, since my technical skills were only mediocre and I enjoyed meeting and interacting with people, I became a salesman.
So my suggestion to job seekers is that they identify their strengths and then correlate the skills with available jobs.  They may find that they require additional training to hone their skills.  Hopefully such training will improve your strengths and job qualifications. 
One approach to use in defining strengths is to take an instrument such as Myers-Briggs (   Another technique is to complete a personal SWOT (strengths, weakness, opportunity and threat) analysis (
Please comment in this blog or email me at if you have found your job by capitalizing on your strengths.

Thanks, Glyn!

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