Saturday, June 29, 2013

Networking is Job One!

As my grandchildren who are recent college graduates are seeking their first permanent jobs, I am reminded again that the best strategy to use in finding a job is networking!  One of my granddaughters went to work this week at a job she earned through an internship.  Her uncle assisted her in landing the position as a summer intern after her junior year at the University of Kansas.

So I did some reminiscing about my own experiences.  My first job after my US Army tour was with Collins Radio Company.  My fraternity buddy who was working at Collins recommended me and got me an interview.  My second job was with IBM where a close friend worked; he got me an appointment with his boss.  After 15 years at IBM, a fellow IBMer who had left the company got me an interview with his boss.  After being on that job for a short time, another friend called me set up an interview with the president of a small company.

Perhaps you see a pattern in my career path.  However, I must add that I got my university teaching jobs from ads in The Dallas Morning News.

I am not sure if my experiences are similar to the majority of job holders; nevertheless, I am convinced that “networking is job one” for job seekers!  I suggest that you go to Google or another search engine and enter the search argument “job networking tips”.  You will find the list of resulting Internet sites provides helpful ideas for your own job search.

Please share your experience in finding a job using networking by commenting in this blog or emailing me at

Thanks, Glyn!

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