Monday, February 20, 2012

The Artist and Innovative Technology

My wife and I saw the movie The ArtistAs you may know this is a throw-back silent movie in black and white.  Probably few of you have ever seen such a movie; however, I think this medium is appropriate for the major themes of the movie.

My purpose is not to review the movie, but to draw some parallels with the transition from silent movies to talkies with the introduction of digital computers, television, the Internet and even the iPhone4.

As a salesman for IBM, I consider myself as a change maker because I was selling computer systems which replaced manual record keeping systems. Frequently, we justified the cost of computers with displacement of personnel.  What happened to the displaced? Many attended computer training and became involved in systems conversions and operation.

In the movie, a star of silent movies was replaced by a star of sound movies.  What happened to this silent movie star is the thrust of The Artist.

I am thinking that if you are a job seeker with experience in an occupation that is being phased-out or drastically changed, you are facing the same situation as The Artist’s star.  Perhaps someone will help you deal with this new environment and support you in your transition. Many organizations will train new employees – IBM trained me to be a systems engineer and salesman. 

The message is that pride or despair will not rescue you. In fact these emotions will be a detriment.  I suggest that you ask for help, be open to new technologies, and strive for a positive attitude. 

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