Saturday, November 14, 2009

Dress for Success Tips for Job Interviews

An article in the November 8, 2009, issue of The Dallas Morning News, page 1J, “You’ve Gotten The Interview- Now Dress For Success,” by North American Precis Syndicate, suggests the following tips as you dress for a job interview:

1. Consider the industry: Every industry has its own set of style rules. For example, banks, accounting and law firms tend to wear business suits, while creative industries such as advertising agencies and marketing firms often wear business casual.

2. Do your homework: You can research the organization and its employees by driving by the company observing the employees arrive and depart, or you might go online to view photos of company employees. Take your cue from how the employees dress.

3. Be polished: You need to make sure your clothing is in good order: no wrinkles in clothing, shoes shined, and hair kept. I personally do not care for visible tattoos and piercings.

4. Leave any luxury or designer clothing and accessories at home: High-end handbags and watches that cost thousands of dollars may make you look frivolous.

5. Make a favorable impression: “Wear one thing that reflects your personality and creativity” says Amy Goodman. “A colorful tie, heirloom earrings, shoes with a unique design or an eye-catching watch may be what helps an interviewer remember you from a sea of candidates.”

Please comment in this blog if this information is helpful to you or someone you know. Thanks! Glyn

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