Monday, November 23, 2009

Coming Out of Retirement Requires Some Work

An article in the November 22, 2009, issue of The Dallas Morning News, page 23A, “Coming Out of Retirement Requires Some Work”, by Metro Creative Connections, suggests many baby boomers are considering returning to the workforce. Many of us semi-retired actually never completely left the workforce. Nevertheless, below are some suggestions:

1. Check with Social Security to determine how additional income could affect your social security benefits.

2. Research organizations that offer employment to older adults. The names Home Depot and Wal-Mart come to mind.

3. Update your resume emphasizing accomplishments making sure that it is error free.

4. Prepare for the interview by rehearsing with a younger friend, off-spring, or spouse.

Is there a job that you always wanted but the pay was not sufficient to support your lifestyle? Perhaps in retirement you can go after your dream job. Here are some personal examples of people I know that have returned to work:

One person joined the police reserve after completing police training. He is now riding patrol and making arrests!

A former IBM friend is now working at Home Depot helping people with their home projects. He has rejected promotions offered since he enjoys working with customers.

Oh, by the way, I am still teaching MBA students at the University of Phoenix.

Please comment in this blog if this information is helpful to you or someone you know. Thanks! Glyn

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