Sunday, September 21, 2014

Social Media and the Job Search

The September 21, 2014, edition of The Dallas Morning News, on page 1J, “How social media can affect your career,” contains some helpful advice to job seekers concerning social media. 

“What a person says or does not say on social media can determine the impression they can create for a prospective employer.  Questionable activity may reflect negatively on a person without him/her even realizing it.”  However, this point does not mean an individual should avoid social media completely.  Use of social media is an indication that an individual is active in advancing technologies and is a good communicator.

Here are some tips for job seekers contained in the article:
1. Do not post private information or reveal intimate secrets to social media
2. Recognize that it’s not always your comments that can affect perceptions of you.  Friends you choose to socialize with via social media can impact others’ views of you – block out those who do not meet your standards
3. Know that security features frequently change.  Post the information that is appropriate for the general public
4. Do not complain about a job or employer.  Such complaints will reflect poorly on your personality and judgment
5. Use social media as a networking tool. Join industry-based groups and share ideas.  Expand your job search through blogs and websites that can help your job search

Social media is here to stay, therefore, exercise caution so your career will not be negatively affected.  Please comment in this bIog or email at if you have found social media helpful with your job search.



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