Sunday, March 9, 2014

Your Professional Brand

In a blog  posted July 25, 2010, and also contained on page 5 on my book, Getting Jobs by Glyn Jordan, I defined personal branding: “Personal branding is the process of distinguishing the essence of an individual’s relevant career attributes and communicating them consistently  throughout the resume and interview process.

An article in the March 9, 2014, edition of The Dallas Morning News on page 1J, “Building Your Professional Brand” quotes Jana Fallon, Vice President of Executive Development for Prudential Financial.  She provides five specific actions one could take to improve brand recognition.  Here is a summary of these actions:

1.   Build your brand by identifying three or four characteristics that describe what you have to offer a potential employer.

2.   Reflect on your strengths and liabilities frequently and focus specifically on what you do well.

3.    Be bold in defining your brand and then have the courage to live up to that promise.

4.   Network by making yourself visible to those who can influence your career.

5.   Decide to take action each week to fine-tune and evolve your defined brand.

For those of you who are interested in knowing more about Jana Fallon and would like to read her writings, you can checkout:

What is your brand?  What do others think about you as a professional or friend?  Please share with other readers of this blog your ideas about personal branding by commenting in this blog or by emailing me: 

Thanks!   Glyn

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