Sunday, March 23, 2014

Putting Experience to Work

In an article in The Dallas Morning News March 22, 2014, edition on Page 1D, by Pamela Yip describes how the Senior Source organization in Dallas helped Williams-Gary by “Putting Experience to Work.” 

Many senior women who have lost a spouse, become unemployed, or have an adult child moving in frequently with small children must return to the workplace.  Claire Turner, Director of the Senior Employment Program at the Senior Source is ready to help.

Here is some advice offered by individuals who have benefited from this program:

1. DON’T RELY ON COMPUTER JOB SEARCHES ALONE. “Spend time being out and about talking with people and volunteering with organizations.”

2. DO SOMETHING EVERY DAY. “It is critical that you take action every single day – Monday through Friday.”  Set goals such as number of contacts and job searches so at weekend you can celebrate accomplishments.

3. TRUMPET YOUR AGE AS AN ASSET NOT A LIABILITY. Don’t apologize for your age – brag about experience gained!

4. MAKE YOURSELF STAND OUT FROM THE COMPETITION. What is one thing you can do that is daring, different, and smart to get the attention of hiring managers?

5. UPDATE YOUR WARDROBE.  Discord your old out-of-date cloths and dress professionally. The Senior Source and other organizations can help here.

6. GET COMFORTABLE WITH VIDEO INTERVIEWS.  Develop your elevator speech and prepare to answer typical interviewer questions, e.g. your greatest strength, greatest weakness,  best/worst boss, most challenging situation

This advice should be helpful to all job seekers.  

Please post a comment in this blog or email me at your suggestions for putting your experience to work.



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