Sunday, March 24, 2013

Untapped Potential

A headline in The Dallas Morning News, March 24, 2013, edition on page 1C by Barry Horn got me thinking about an individual’s untapped potential when seeking employment.  While this article discusses selling beer and wine in college stadiums, I am wondering if job seekers consider their own potential when searching for a job.

I think that it is productive to consider your own personal strengths and how such strengths will provide value to an employer.  You should take a yellow pad and list your own strengths.  Your strengths should include not only your physical and mental abilities but also your personal accomplishments.  Think about compliments you have received and about times when you have felt really good about something that you have done for others or when you have completed  a major task.

Now map these feelings to a job or occupation that will lead to repeat performances.  I always get a sense of satisfaction when my students say that some statement or event in class is worth taking home and remembering – perhaps even life-changing.  Consequently, I am a teacher among other things.

Perhaps it is rare when someone finds a vocation or line of work that is very fulfilling, but the result is worth the search!

Please post a comment or email me at about your untapped potential and if you have used your potential to find meaning employment.


Thanks, Glyn

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