Sunday, April 5, 2015

Looking a Head to Graduation

An article in the April 5, 2015, The Dallas Morning News, “Advice for soon to be college graduates” Metro Creative Connection provides some timely suggestions for upcoming college graduates:

1. Attend your graduation ceremony – You should attend your last academic experience – it is also a networking experience – find out how fellow graduates plan to begin their careers.

2. Enjoy some travel and resting up before you launch a new job or searching for one.

3. Joint an alumni association and take advantage of such an organization to connect with fellow alumni who can be invaluable sources of connections and job opportunities.

4. Consider joining a volunteer organization which may assist you to determine career options.

5. Read and learn new skills particularly using the Internet and social networking.

Remember that your first job may not be the one for you.   Don’t get too down; instead keep your head up and take advantage of the next opportunity that comes your way.

Please consider these suggestions as you complete your degree.  You can share your ideas about becoming employed by posting a comment or emailing at   

Thanks!  Glyn

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