Sunday, October 12, 2014

Advice for Resume Writers

An article in the October 12, 2014, issue of The Dallas Morning News, on page 4D, 1J “Age May Not be the Issue,” by Lindsay Novak of Creators Syndicate  contains some advice from a certified career coach.   Novak responds to baby boomers seeking advice on resumes.  

Jobs searches have changed because jobs have changed.  Large organizations are now using software programs to select resumes for further consideration.  The article states that resumes have to be written using the exact words contained in the job advertisement in order for the system to select a potential job candidate. 

Baby boomers typically have had several jobs and want to describe their complete work experience.  Unfortunately, companies are seeking specific work experience, and the software will search for only job related experience listed on a resume.  Other experience which may be wonderful will not be considered relevant for the open position.  The message is that each resume submitted should be edited to contain the exact skills required by the hiring company.

The objective, of course, is to schedule an interview at which time other relevant experience can be discussed with the interviewer.  A word of caution is that the resume should be true and not contain skills and/or experience the applicant does not have!  An alert interviewer will immediately determine that the applicant is not truthful and thus will be immediately eliminated from any job consideration.            

Please comment in this bIog or email at your experience with developing resumes.   

 Thanks!  Glyn

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