Tuesday, April 1, 2014

Welders, America Needs You

An article in the March 24 – April 6 issue of Bloomberg Business Week, “Welders, America Needs You”, by Matthew Philips highlighted the shortage of skilled workers particularly welders.

The article states that welding seemed like a dead end job for most of the last 30 years when the manufacturing sector was contracting.  But since 2009 the manufacturing sector has grown faster than the rest of the economy.  Consequently, decades of attrition have left the U.S. with a shortage of skilled welders. The number of welders dropped from 570,000 in 1988 to fewer than 360,000 in 2012.

According to Doug Gregory of BMR Group “we have welding jobs and cannot find people to fill them.”  Other companies quoted in the article included Stillwater Technologies, General Electric, and Caterpillar that are in need of skilled welders.

The article discussed welding training provided by Hobard Institute of Welding Technology, Troy, Ohio. There numerous welding schooling located throughout the U.S including  Lincoln Tech - http://www.lincolntech-usa.com/?source=lti-google-college%20welding%20technology-local-match-tx-devtype-c&cr=36575048317&kw=college%20welding%20technology&mt=b&pl=&dv=c&rpltssid=533b0a7cd9422&gclid=CJyY46X6v70CFUtk7AodrD8ABA

In addition to welders, there is a great demand for other technically skilled workers throughout the U.S. 

Please post a comment in this blog or email me at glynjordan@gmail.com your suggestions for individuals seeking employment with organizations seeking technically skilled workers.   



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