Sunday, November 14, 2010

Feminine Traits Can Strengthen Business

An article on Page 1J in The Dallas Morning News in the November 14, 2010, edition “Tips for Seasonal Workers” by Amy Winters of the Creators Syndicate, discusses how seasonal positions can become full time jobs.   However, I think that the most interesting part of the article discusses how feminine traits can help companies thrive as the social media changes.

Quoting Barry Libert, author of Social Nation: How to Harness the Power of Social Media to Attract Customers, Motive Employees and Grow Your Business, the article discusses the following feminine traits that when exhibited by both women and men can result in improved leadership:

1.     Get to know your workers.  Understand what motivates them and what encourages them to come to work every day.
2.    Ask for help. If you aren’t sure how to do something, don’t be afraid to ask for other opinions.  It is ok to collaborate, even when you are the leader.
3.    Let others lead sometime.  Pass the power down and allow others to be in charge when needed.  Listen to your leadership group.
4.    Try to gain better self-awareness.  Attempt to understand how your workers view you.  Are you intimidating? Are you unapproachable and not willing to help?
5.    Be open to a social culture.  This type of culture will allow employee talent to develop and grow, leading to a positive impact for the company.
6.    Focus on others.   It isn’t all about you.  It is about team building and developing a faithful and positive work force.

While this blog typically focuses on strategies assisting its readers finding employment, I think Libert’s ideas are helpful.  Please share your comments with readers of this blog.

Thanks!    Glyn    


  1. Glyn

    Thanks for your kind words. I am hopeful that during these difficult times, heartfelt leadership and actions can help us all achieve more of what we need at work and at home. Further, compassion for each other will bring innovation and job growth.

  2. Thanks for your comment, Barry. I never know if anyone is reading my blogs. Glyn
