My blog on November 24 discusses ways that individuals can deal with stress. From another perspective, an article on Page 1J in The Dallas Morning News in the November 28, 2010, edition “Co-workers Behavior” by Amy Winters of Creators Syndicate discusses behaviors that even hard-working employees may exhibit if they are under extreme stress. The warning signs listed below may indicate that an individual is under stress needs assistance:
1. Extreme tardiness and absences: A dedicated worker starts making excuses to leave the office early or vacates without permission.
2. More Supervision: Usually, a worker requires less supervision as he or she becomes more familiar with tasks. If an employee suddenly seeks increased attention, it could be a cry for help.
3. Decrease in productivity: An efficient worker has an unexpected drop in performance.
4. Strained working relationships: A worker starts to become disruptive with co-workers.
5. Unable to concentrate: A worker is most like worried about something else.
6. Changes in health or hygiene: A worker starts to pay less attention to his or her appearance and well being.
7. Substance abuse: a worker is probably using drugs or alcohol to cope with stress.
If you observe someone exhibiting any of the about signs or perhaps you see yourself exhibiting such signs, it is time to provide or receive help. As a manager or peer, it may be difficult to confront the employee directly, so I suggest you contact your organization’s human resource department or the employee assistance representative. Having personally been in an extremely stressful situation, I know how such situation can become very dangerous.
Please comment in this blog about experiences you may have had with stressful situation.
Thanks! Glyn