Wednesday, June 2, 2010

Dear Abby’s Advice to Job Seekers

The “Dear Abby” column on page 2E on May 22, 2010, of The Dallas Morning News, by Jeanne Phillips, responds to a letter written by “Trying to be Helpful of Tumwater, Washington”, provides sound advice to job seekers.

According to the letter, the writer’s organization posted an opening on the state’s unemployment job board. The ad detailed simple but specific instructions that included asking the applicants for a cover letter to address certain questions. It stated in large letters that the applicant must follow the instructions.

Of the 133 resumes received, 76 did not contain the required information requested and were not considered for hiring. Many of the rejected applicants were qualified for the open position. The writer asks Abby to “Please advise your unemployed readers that there is a job is out there for them, but they must follow instructions”. Abby, emphasizes that applicants must proofread what they have written especially checking for spelling errors.

Once I was looking for administrative assistant, and after interviewing several clients, I called the candidate I had selected to give her the good news. However, the telephone number on her resume was a disconnected telephone. Needless to say, the next candidate got the job.

Please make sure that you proof all information that you provide to hiring organizations! You may never know if errors on your job application may eliminate you from being considered for a job opening.

Thanks! Glyn

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